
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
Lady Banks
kirby icon pikachu icon
Beginner A little -
ice_climbers icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
greninja icon
Intermediate A little 50.0 %
sephiroth icon ganondorf icon
Noob A lot 50.0 %
young_link icon lucas icon
Doing okay A large amount 53.06 %
bowser icon donkey_kong icon wario icon
Beginner None -
lucas icon
Noob A lot 26.98 %
captain_falcon icon
Beginner None -
ABM2 | Delta
sephiroth icon mewtwo icon
Doing okay A lot 42.37 %
king_dedede icon
Intermediate None -
random icon random icon random icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
SOS | Rush
sonic icon
Doing okay A lot 19.05 %
KoG | Sky3
captain_falcon icon pyra_and_mythra icon wii_fit_trainer icon
Beginner None -
sonic icon greninja icon sora icon
Beginner A little -
[CDFW] | Lenchanteur
kirby icon ness icon
Intermediate A lot 34.38 %
L S wheel
kazuya icon cloud icon joker icon
Doing okay A little 60.0 %
captain_falcon icon lucina icon
Intermediate Some 23.08 %
pyra_and_mythra icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate None -
luigi icon cloud icon sora icon
Doing okay None -
fox icon
Beginner A little 33.33 %
terry icon kazuya icon
Intermediate A lot 42.86 %
byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A little 14.29 %
pikachu icon joker icon
Noob None -
ness icon byleth icon
Doing okay A little 50.0 %
cloud icon sonic icon sephiroth icon
Beginner None -
piranha_plant icon
Doing okay A little 50.0 %
greninja icon lucina icon lucario icon
Noob A little -
toon_link icon
Intermediate A little -
inkling icon inkling icon
Beginner A lot 19.67 %
$$$ | TabouretGang3000
zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate Some 28.57 %
kazuya icon
Intermediate None -
diddy_kong icon joker icon wario icon
Beginner None -
falco icon
Beginner A little 0.0 %
AX | Kidox
falco icon
Beginner A little 33.33 %
hero icon kazuya icon byleth icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
mewtwo icon
Doing okay Some 16.67 %
mewtwo icon ike icon
Intermediate A large amount 54.67 %
sephiroth icon roy icon wolf icon
Noob A little -
fox icon pikachu icon young_link icon
Noob A little 17.65 %
MM | ue☆Fabio
cloud icon corrin icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Advanced A little 42.86 %
joker icon mario icon fox icon
Beginner A lot 20.45 %
PR | Plantacourt
piranha_plant icon captain_falcon icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
OV | ThéFroidMigros
mr_game_and_watch icon mr_game_and_watch icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate A lot 37.61 %
falco icon
Intermediate Some 45.95 %
marth icon
Beginner A little 0.0 %
dark_samus icon sephiroth icon
Beginner A little 60.0 %
SKED | Sked_NaXyK
pikachu icon
Beginner Some -
joker icon king_k_rool icon
Advanced None -
hero icon kazuya icon
Doing okay Some 25.0 %
falco icon marth icon
Doing okay Some -
Gamer tag Canton Age Gender Comment
kirby icon Lady Banks freiburg image Friborg 20 Other
ice_climbers icon Netrois waadt image Vaud 21 Male
greninja icon Aribanano thurgau image Thurgau 18 Male
sephiroth icon GAIA bern image Bern 23 Male avg sephiroth enjoyer
young_link icon Zair waadt image Vaud Still learning how to use this move
bowser icon DonutOCoco waadt image Vaud 15 Male
lucas icon Azennore waadt image Vaud Male
captain_falcon icon mordred waadt image Vaud 16 Male
sephiroth icon ABM2 | Delta jura image Jura 20 Male
jp waadt image Vaud 22 Ranked 1# 🇨🇭 In Brawlhalla, Former top 50 PR Global in B...
random icon shraga solothurn image Solothurn 17 Male 🦹‍♂️
sonic icon SOS | Rush bern image Bern 19 Male Piece of cake🍰
captain_falcon icon KoG | Sky3 bern image Bern 31 Male Ready to learn :)
sonic icon Deyaz_2610 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 19 Male Je veux m’améliorer le plus possible
kirby icon [CDFW] | Lenchanteur neuenburg image Neuchâtel 20 Male
kazuya icon L S wheel bern image Bern 12 Male
captain_falcon icon LLDG neuenburg image Neuchâtel 22 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Final_K solothurn image Solothurn 25 Male
luigi icon Kent genf image Geneva 31 Male
fox icon Sniper neuenburg image Neuchâtel 27 Male
terry icon Wismas waadt image Vaud 17 Male ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
byleth icon Endor waadt image Vaud 15 Male Smash 4 Life !!!
pikachu icon Captains jura image Jura 24 Male
ness icon Armageddon waadt image Vaud 20 Male
cloud icon tda waadt image Vaud 41 Male
piranha_plant icon Deltar waadt image Vaud 18 Male La vie c’est comme une éponge. Mais si t’es un champignon...
greninja icon Evoliine bern image Bern 26 Female
toon_link icon Reo zürich image Zurich 24 Male
inkling icon Squid neuenburg image Neuchâtel 15 Male Main Inkling de la Tchaux (La Chaux-de-Fonds)
zero_suit_samus icon $$$ | TabouretGang3000 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 30 Male ouais
kazuya icon Killua94 zürich image Zurich 30 Male
diddy_kong icon FaFou jura image Jura 26 Male DM me on discord if you want to play.
falco icon F!re genf image Geneva 17 Male
falco icon AX | Kidox waadt image Vaud 22 Male
hero icon KukiMedi solothurn image Solothurn 16 Male
Arkiryum genf image Geneva 20 Male
mewtwo icon Damoclès waadt image Vaud 30 Male
sephiroth icon riven genf image Geneva 19 Male
fox icon MakronikLP solothurn image Solothurn 16 Male
cloud icon MM | ue☆Fabio solothurn image Solothurn 18 Male
joker icon 7t8 solothurn image Solothurn 17
piranha_plant icon PR | Plantacourt wallis image Valais 26
mr_game_and_watch icon OV | ThéFroidMigros waadt image Vaud 23 Male C’est quoi une couisse?
falco icon AntoScream wallis image Valais 30 Male
marth icon Bilus bern image Bern 26 Male
dark_samus icon Mingou 22 Male
pikachu icon SKED | Sked_NaXyK waadt image Vaud 28 Male Bonjour, Je suis heureux de voir des events sur smash en...
joker icon Madara_54 aargau image Aargau 27 Male
hero icon MrYoyo solothurn image Solothurn 21 Male
falco icon Rogue bern image Bern 27
Gamer tag Roles
kirby icon Lady Banks Player
ice_climbers icon Netrois Player
greninja icon Aribanano Player
sephiroth icon GAIA Player
young_link icon Zair Player
bowser icon DonutOCoco Player
lucas icon Azennore Player
captain_falcon icon mordred Player
sephiroth icon ABM2 | Delta Player
jp Player
random icon shraga Player
sonic icon SOS | Rush Player
captain_falcon icon KoG | Sky3 Player
sonic icon Deyaz_2610 Player
kirby icon [CDFW] | Lenchanteur Player Streamer Team manager TO
kazuya icon L S wheel Player
captain_falcon icon LLDG Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Final_K Player
luigi icon Kent Player
fox icon Sniper Player
terry icon Wismas Player TO
byleth icon Endor Player
pikachu icon Captains Player
ness icon Armageddon Player
cloud icon tda Player
piranha_plant icon Deltar Player
greninja icon Evoliine Player
toon_link icon Reo Player
inkling icon Squid Player
zero_suit_samus icon $$$ | TabouretGang3000 Player
kazuya icon Killua94 Player
diddy_kong icon FaFou Player
falco icon F!re Player
falco icon AX | Kidox Team manager
hero icon KukiMedi Player
Arkiryum Player
mewtwo icon Damoclès Player
sephiroth icon riven Player
fox icon MakronikLP Player
cloud icon MM | ue☆Fabio Player
joker icon 7t8 Player
piranha_plant icon PR | Plantacourt Player
mr_game_and_watch icon OV | ThéFroidMigros Player
falco icon AntoScream Player Streamer
marth icon Bilus Player
dark_samus icon Mingou Player
pikachu icon SKED | Sked_NaXyK Player TO
joker icon Madara_54 Player
hero icon MrYoyo Player
falco icon Rogue Player