
pr s1 2019 image

Top 10:

# Gamer tag Mains Participations W/L
1st mYi | Destany
meta_knight icon wolf icon little_mac icon
11 83.17 %
2nd EQX | DeepFreeze
falco icon
11 80 %
3rd ELV | Smuff
greninja icon captain_falcon icon
8 84.85 %
4th ELV | Severe Calamari
wolf icon
3 82.14 %
5th AG | Benji
wario icon
12 73.56 %
6th BG | Crash
wii_fit_trainer icon bowser icon
8 74.55 %
7th SILENT | Kepler
snake icon
5 77.14 %
8th SoS | CrzyShroom
wolf icon
11 71.76 %
9th QMG | Sylph
yoshi icon ganondorf icon link icon
3 76 %
10th Olivia
wii_fit_trainer icon duck_hunt icon
12 74.47 %

Counted tournaments:

  • Ultimon Stadion
  • University of Smash IV
  • Swissgeek Smash Ultimate Lausanne
  • Japan Impact 2019 - Saturday
  • Ultimon Stadion 2: Into the Reset
  • Colosseum Basel XI
  • Smile & Wave(s)
  • Tournoi Mix-Imax/jeuxvideo.ch du 23 mars 2019
  • Carrefour Sud Monthly
  • Ultimon Stadion 3
  • Smash the Cake
  • Colosseim Basel XII
  • Tournoi «Smash Ultimate> Swissgeek (Lausanne)
  • Smash Temple 2 day 1
  • Smash Temple 2 day 2
  • Smash at PolyLan
  • Polymanga Satuday
  • PK Bern #1
  • Blick Esports Masters 1
  • Ultimelt #15
  • Fantasy Basel day 1
  • Fantasy Basel day 2
  • Blick Esports Masters 2
  • Ultimelt #16
  • Ultimon 4
  • University of Smash V
  • TheReset #6

Considered but deemed ineligible:

  • Japan Impact 2019 - Sunday (Not announced in time)
  • Polymanga Sunday (Lack of proper setups)
  • Casino - Let’s Play #1 (Not announced in time)
  • Super Smash Saga - Calm before the storm (Seeding)
pr s2 2019 image

Top 15:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st mYi | Destany
meta_knight icon wolf icon
2nd SoS | Karpador64
luigi icon
3rd BG | Crash
wii_fit_trainer icon bowser icon
4th SIR | Phonky
pac_man icon
5th SLNT | DeepFreeze
falco icon fox icon
6th WOR | Olivia
duck_hunt icon rob icon
7th SLNT | Kepler
snake icon
8th Sickboy
pikachu icon wolf icon rob icon
9th SIR | Jaka
isabelle icon
10th BG | ItseMePG
snake icon
11th AG | Benji
wario icon
12th Purist
chrom icon snake icon
13th eLS | Acsor
inkling icon
14th Rampage
zero_suit_samus icon
15th SGE | Yannwatts
ness icon

Counted tournaments:

  • (A) Exodus 2
  • (B) Smash Castle : Diamond Kingdom Tournament
  • (B) Saint Smash #2
  • (B) SoluSmash 5/6 - Saison 1
  • (B) PK Bern #7
  • (B) SoluSmash 4/6 - Saison 1
  • (B) Orcus Smash #1
  • (B) Gamesession XIII (SNWC Major)
  • (B) UltiMon 5
  • (B) PK Bern #4
  • (B) Carrefour Sud x E-lvets #2
  • (C) SNWC Finals 2019
  • (C) Super Smash Qwertz #3
  • (C) Orcus Smash #2
  • (C) Xano
  • (C) Colosseum Basel XIII
  • (C) Servette Smash Tournament
  • (C) Super Smash Qwertz
  • (C) SoluSmash 3/6 - Saison 1
  • (C) PK Bern #5
  • (C) SoluSmash2 (UTSR2) - Saison1, Tournoi2
  • (C) PK Bern #3
  • (C) Casino - Let's Play 2
  • (C) Ultimate Tournament Suisse Romande 1/6

  • S Tier (64) / A Tier (48) / B Tier (32) / C Tier (16)

Considered but deemed ineligible:

  • NeS-Fnac #4 (Seeding)
  • UltiMelt #17 (No URL to be found)
  • PK Bern #6 (Seeding)
  • Ultimon 6 (Not announced in time)
  • Pubtendo 1Pub 1Up - Turnier (No URL to be found)
  • Ultimon #7 (Not announced in time)
  • Gamecity 2.0 (Not announced in time)
  • Super Tech Smash #2 - Fall 2019 (Seeding)
  • Super Smash Qwertz (Seeding)
  • HeroFest 2019 (Seeding)
  • PK Bern #8 (Seeding)

Due to COVID-19, there is no official 2020 ranking

pr 2021 image

Top 10:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st SIR | Jaka
isabelle icon
2nd mYi | Destany
terry icon
3rd BG | Crash
wii_fit_trainer icon bowser icon
4th LK | DeepFreeze
joker icon
5th Kimbo
palutena icon
6th SIR | Phonky
pac_man icon
7th NTC | Deox6
joker icon sephiroth icon byleth icon
8th eLS | Rohan Doge
meta_knight icon sora icon
9th eLS | Karpador64
luigi icon wario icon
10th mYi | Kepler
snake icon chrom icon
- Jodel
toon_link icon
lucas icon
- LK | SickBoy
pikachu icon


You can find more information about the PR players here. You can find a detailed explanation of how the PR was calculated here.

pr s1 2022 image

Top 15:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st mYi | Destany
terry icon
2nd SKED | Jaka
isabelle icon
3rd eLS | Karpador64
luigi icon wario icon
4th NTC | Deox6
byleth icon joker icon
5th BAB0 | Crash
wii_fit_trainer icon bowser icon
6th eLS | Rohan Doge
sora icon meta_knight icon
7th BDS | Kimbo
palutena icon wolf icon
8th mYi | Kepler
chrom icon snake icon
9th eLS | Phonky
pac_man icon
10th mistic
wolf icon cloud icon
11th SFG | Byron
fox icon
12th LK | SickBoy
rob icon pikachu icon
13th Jodel
toon_link icon
14th SBZ | gaya
steve icon greninja icon
15th AG | Fr0zen
pokemon_trainer icon


You can find more information about the PR players here. Some words to the PR Level competition in 2022 and the runner ups can be found here.

pr s2 2022 image

Top 15:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st mYi | Destany
terry icon
2nd SKED | Jaka
isabelle icon
3rd eLS | Deox6
byleth icon
4th LK | SickBoy
rob icon
5th eLS | Karpador64
luigi icon
6th LK | DeepFreeze
joker icon
7th ABFT | Crow
falco icon
8th AX | PATOO
lucas icon
9th DIVE | Artyst
zero_suit_samus icon
10th Byron
fox icon
11th BDS | Kimbo
palutena icon
12th ItseMePG
snake icon pyra_and_mythra icon
13th BG | Crash
wii_fit_trainer icon
14th AG | Fr0zen
pokemon_trainer icon
15th SBZ | gaya
steve icon
HM mYi | Kepler
chrom icon

Algorithm & Panel:


PR Graphic:


pr s1 2023 image

Top 15:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st Jaka
isabelle icon
2nd LK | DeepFreeze
joker icon
3rd eLS | Deox6
byleth icon
4th LK | SickBoy
rob icon
5th mYi | Destany
terry icon
6th AX | Byron
fox icon
7th AX | PATOO
lucas icon
8th Pege
pyra_and_mythra icon
9th SBZ | gaya
steve icon
10th ABFT | Crow
falco icon
11th BDS | Kimbo
palutena icon
12th eLS | Phonky
pac_man icon
13th eLS | Rohan Doge
wario icon
14th DIVE | Artyst
zero_suit_samus icon
15th AG | Fr0zen
pokemon_trainer icon

Algorithm & Panel:


PR Graphic:


pr s2 2023 image

Top 15:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st eLS | Deox6
byleth icon
2nd Jaka
isabelle icon
3rd SickBoy
rob icon
4th eLS | PATOO
lucas icon
5th eLS | Rohan Doge
wario icon meta_knight icon
6th Kimbo
palutena icon
7th DeepFreeze
joker icon
8th Byron
fox icon
9th SLD | Pege
pyra_and_mythra icon snake icon
10th eLS | Karpador64
luigi icon mii_brawler icon
11th ABFT | Elden Crow
falco icon
12th Ice-Walker
villager icon terry icon
13th Acsor
mr_game_and_watch icon inkling icon
14th Phonky
pac_man icon
15th ZN | Yuno
pokemon_trainer icon

Algorithm & Panel:


PR Graphic:


pr s1 2024 image

Top 15:

# Gamer tag Mains
1st eLS | Deox6
byleth icon
2nd Jaka
isabelle icon
3rd DeepFreeze
joker icon
4th mYi | Destany
terry icon
5th mYi | Kepler
snake icon
6th mYi | SickBoy
rob icon
7th Karpador64
luigi icon
8th SLD | Kimbo
palutena icon
9th eLS | PATOO
lucas icon mii_brawler icon
10th SLD | Pege
pyra_and_mythra icon snake icon
11th PHX | Ice-Walker
villager icon
12th ZN | Yuno
pokemon_trainer icon
13th Zeno
villager icon
14th SIG
diddy_kong icon
15th VTX-C | Phonky
pac_man icon

Algorithm & Panel:


PR Graphic:


# Points Gamer tag Mains Participations W/L
1st 1715 Jaka
isabelle icon
8 77.78 %
2nd 1400 mYi | Destany
terry icon meta_knight icon little_mac icon
7 80.43 %
3rd 980 SickBoy
rob icon pikachu icon
9 68.42 %
4th 955 eL$ | Karpador64
king_dedede icon
8 70.21 %
5th 825 mYi | Kepler
snake icon incineroar icon chrom icon
5 72.22 %
6th 740 SLD | Pege
pyra_and_mythra icon
9 67.86 %
7th 625 LK | DeepFreeze
diddy_kong icon diddy_kong icon diddy_kong icon
4 78.13 %
8th 545 Rohan Doge
isabelle icon
6 64.71 %
9th 480 BG | Crash
wii_fit_trainer icon bowser icon
5 61.54 %
10th 455 AG | Benji
wario icon
8 60.98 %
11th 450 eLS | Deox6
byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon steve icon
2 87.5 %
12th 335 gaya
greninja icon steve icon
6 70.37 %
13th 300 mistic
wolf icon joker icon cloud icon
8 61.9 %
14th 275 Kimbo
palutena icon
5 66.67 %
15th 255 eLS | Phonky
pac_man icon mr_game_and_watch icon
6 58.62 %
255 SFG | Byron
isabelle icon
8 60.98 %
17th 235 AG | Fr0zen
pokemon_trainer icon pokemon_trainer icon pokemon_trainer icon
8 58.97 %
18th 230 ABFT | Crow
falco icon
3 62.5 %
19th 135 LK | Rampage
zero_suit_samus icon terry icon
5 54.55 %
20th 115 Acsor
inkling icon dr_mario icon
4 57.89 %
115 FS | FireXBoy97
ganondorf icon ice_climbers icon roy icon
7 54.84 %
22nd 95 Mirio
shulk icon
5 56.52 %
23rd 90 FS | KDD
falco icon wolf icon cloud icon
4 57.89 %
24th 75 WoR | Olivia
duck_hunt icon rob icon wii_fit_trainer icon
1 66.67 %
75 SIR | chäsi
banjo_and_kazooie icon
8 50.0 %
26th 70 Aisu
pokemon_trainer icon
3 64.71 %
70 SBZ | RAM
pyra_and_mythra icon lucina icon zero_suit_samus icon
5 44.44 %
28th 65 STi | SBZ | Thoben
banjo_and_kazooie icon king_dedede icon sephiroth icon
2 66.67 %
65 Yannwatts
roy icon ness icon
2 50.0 %
65 SBZ | Zeno
villager icon pit icon
3 60.0 %
65 ZN | Yuno
pokemon_trainer icon
3 60.0 %
32nd 60 Mirakuru
lucas icon corrin icon little_mac icon
2 55.56 %
60 Wave(s)
sephiroth icon sonic icon sora icon
4 55.56 %
60 404 | GreenEyes
zero_suit_samus icon greninja icon
7 46.15 %
35th 55 Liff
corrin icon
7 40.0 %
36th 50 VG | Vante
cloud icon
1 66.67 %
50 MSA | MoJo
mega_man icon mr_game_and_watch icon wario icon
1 50.0 %
50 Snoua
link icon
3 60.0 %
50 Genetix | Cap10
captain_falcon icon donkey_kong icon
5 47.37 %
40th 45 EAGLES | Fire
pichu icon shulk icon
3 53.85 %
45 SBZ | SC | TheComet
pikachu icon yoshi icon kirby icon
7 36.36 %
42nd 35 Jamie
samus icon
2 66.67 %
35 VG | Darki
link icon link icon link icon
2 60.0 %
35 NXE | Tuzzi
joker icon captain_falcon icon
3 60.0 %
35 SBZ | OBG | Jas1n
mega_man icon
3 57.14 %
46th 30 Dragooncomet
zelda icon
3 55.56 %
30 NJ | xGreenB
pyra_and_mythra icon palutena icon
3 50.0 %
30 SBZ | Mitch
roy icon
4 52.94 %
30 SBZ | RuggePfnüsel
wii_fit_trainer icon joker icon wii_fit_trainer icon
4 38.46 %
30 Arashi
captain_falcon icon
4 38.46 %