
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
lucina icon cloud icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
DT | Gomgem
pikachu icon lucina icon
Doing okay A large amount 54.13 %
corrin icon bowser icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay A lot 20.41 %
SBZ | Noni
piranha_plant icon piranha_plant icon piranha_plant icon
Intermediate A large amount 46.9 %
captain_falcon icon little_mac icon king_k_rool icon
Noob A large amount 31.78 %
Gamer tag Canton Age Gender Comment
lucina icon enderbike_ zürich image Zurich 19 Female
pikachu icon DT | Gomgem bern image Bern 28 Male From the french speaking region of Bern (Jura Bernois)
corrin icon Lxrde aargau image Aargau 22 Male Im kinda bad at this game
piranha_plant icon SBZ | Noni bern image Bern 26 Male Gleis 1
captain_falcon icon SC | TAEL zürich image Zurich 33 Male Douglas Falcon is a hero of the future and thrill seeking...
Gamer tag Roles
lucina icon enderbike_ Content creator Designer Photographer Player Streamer
pikachu icon DT | Gomgem Designer Player TO
corrin icon Lxrde Designer Photographer Player
piranha_plant icon SBZ | Noni Content creator Designer Player TO
captain_falcon icon SC | TAEL Designer Player