SwissSmash updates May & June 2022
Overview SwissSmash updates 27.06.22:
- Bundle update (security stuff)
- Improved default locale handling (en)
- Registration: Moved mandatory fields to the top
- Registration: All checkboxes are now disabled by default (GDPR)
- Registration: Added a data_agreement check
- You can now add "Gender Pronouns" to your profile (replacing the gender field when filled)
- Impl. Dark Mode (click the sun in the navigation)
- ->
- Added some length limitations on the player & user text fields
- Added a limitation for the number of videos in a player profile (10)
- Text update: "Seed" -> "Pre-seed"
- Text update: "Very much" -> "A large amount"
- Text update: "Firts" -> "First"
- Added a delete team button (available for the team captain and admins)
- Added a player csv export button (available for streamers and admins)
- Improved the tournaments crawler so that it is now able to also update existing tournaments
- Impl. support for multiday events in the calendar
- Contact: Impl. a honeypod for spam bots
Updated at:
27.06.22 (16:30)
Created at:
27.06.22 (15:58)
Created by: