
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
lucina icon
Beginner A little 0.0 %
bowser icon roy icon
Beginner A little 0.0 %
MCE | Angel's
king_k_rool icon jigglypuff icon falco icon
Advanced A lot -
fox icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
falco icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A little 0.0 %
luigi icon
Intermediate Some 6.67 %
ABL | Jagang
peach icon
Noob A little 50.0 %
rob icon ganondorf icon captain_falcon icon
Doing okay None -
lucina icon chrom icon palutena icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
jigglypuff icon
Beginner A little 0.0 %
fox icon
Advanced None -
mario icon pikachu icon
Beginner A little -
captain_falcon icon random icon marth icon
Noob None -
joker icon min_min icon
Noob None -
ABL | Hase Mei Oiler
peach icon
Noob A little 28.57 %
palutena icon byleth icon pokemon_trainer icon
Doing okay None -
falco icon ganondorf icon wolf icon
Doing okay Some 37.04 %
young_link icon
Doing okay A lot 22.73 %
inkling icon lucina icon
Doing okay Some 31.82 %
pikachu icon
Noob A little 42.86 %
piranha_plant icon incineroar icon
Noob None -
ABL | Neidnaltap
joker icon
Noob A little 0.0 %
WoR | Olivia
duck_hunt icon rob icon wii_fit_trainer icon
Noob A large amount 71.35 %
wario icon captain_falcon icon
Beginner None -
lucina icon incineroar icon
Noob A little 20.0 %
pit icon ridley icon
Noob Some 25.0 %
mii_swordfighter icon
Doing okay A lot 23.81 %
la fougère
ness icon kirby icon bowser icon
Doing okay None -
WDG | kahoss
cloud icon banjo_and_kazooie icon young_link icon
Beginner None -
lucina icon isabelle icon
Intermediate A lot 41.82 %
NXE | Tuzzi
joker icon captain_falcon icon
Noob A large amount 60.33 %
captain_falcon icon lucina icon
Intermediate Some 23.08 %
sonic icon greninja icon sora icon
Beginner A little -
$$$ | TabouretGang3000
zero_suit_samus icon
Intermediate Some 28.57 %
kirby icon kirby icon kirby icon
Doing okay Some -
captain_falcon icon wolf icon bowser icon
Beginner Some 20.0 %
CDFW | Wiildsky
cloud icon
Doing okay A little 11.11 %
fox icon
Beginner A little 33.33 %
byleth icon corrin icon
Doing okay A lot 52.46 %
[CDFW] | Lenchanteur
kirby icon ness icon
Intermediate A lot 34.38 %
inkling icon inkling icon
Beginner A lot 19.67 %
CDFW | Armonia
wario icon lucina icon
Beginner A little 20.0 %
king_k_rool icon meta_knight icon
Advanced A little -
kirby icon
Beginner A little 0.0 %
banjo_and_kazooie icon dark_pit icon
Noob A little 60.0 %
pyra_and_mythra icon wario icon palutena icon
Beginner Some 44.44 %
JoJo | J
sephiroth icon ganondorf icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Noob None -
JoJo | Arupu
incineroar icon mewtwo icon
Intermediate A little 0.0 %
peach icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay A lot 13.73 %
kirby icon inkling icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Beginner None -
Gamer tag Canton Age Gender Comment
lucina icon Nekovius neuenburg image Neuchâtel 23 Male Je débute sur smash mais j'ai de l'ambition. Mon premiè...
bowser icon Saloc neuenburg image Neuchâtel 23 Male
king_k_rool icon MCE | Angel's neuenburg image Neuchâtel 25 Male
fox icon T0x neuenburg image Neuchâtel 17 Male
falco icon Rickolococo neuenburg image Neuchâtel 29 Male Funky Falco
luigi icon Dingo neuenburg image Neuchâtel 29 Male
peach icon ABL | Jagang neuenburg image Neuchâtel 31 Other BETA 2020 |
rob icon Undauphin neuenburg image Neuchâtel Male Je viens pour devenir meilleur
lucina icon Naphets8 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 32 Male Went.Ai Bêta 2020/
jigglypuff icon Redsasi neuenburg image Neuchâtel 23 Male
fox icon WALLDOWN neuenburg image Neuchâtel 28 Male Nove sednon nova, la manière est nouvelle, mais non la ma...
mario icon Siniuxm neuenburg image Neuchâtel 39 Male
captain_falcon icon Maki neuenburg image Neuchâtel 18 Male
joker icon Tokyo neuenburg image Neuchâtel 18 Male Bonsoir
peach icon ABL | Hase Mei Oiler neuenburg image Neuchâtel 31 Other BETA 1.1
palutena icon Kagari neuenburg image Neuchâtel 19 Male
falco icon MichouDlx neuenburg image Neuchâtel 31 Male Beware !
young_link icon GyroZeppeli neuenburg image Neuchâtel 26 Male
inkling icon ElChiKo neuenburg image Neuchâtel Male
pikachu icon Wizard neuenburg image Neuchâtel 26 Male
piranha_plant icon Sekiro neuenburg image Neuchâtel 17 Male J’aime bien sekiro
joker icon ABL | Neidnaltap neuenburg image Neuchâtel 25 Female
duck_hunt icon WoR | Olivia neuenburg image Neuchâtel Female That's me Olivia <3 I like unicorns and soccerballs !
wario icon Kuriboh neuenburg image Neuchâtel 18 Male Je cherche des tournois à proximités de Neuchâtel
lucina icon 10Res neuenburg image Neuchâtel 24 Male
pit icon Karraliou neuenburg image Neuchâtel 27 Male
mii_swordfighter icon Moana neuenburg image Neuchâtel Female
ness icon la fougère neuenburg image Neuchâtel
cloud icon WDG | kahoss neuenburg image Neuchâtel Male
lucina icon Parheal neuenburg image Neuchâtel 28 Male Best Isabelle in my neighborhood (By far). Jaka is my he...
joker icon NXE | Tuzzi neuenburg image Neuchâtel 22 Male Remove Joker before playing poker 🃏
captain_falcon icon LLDG neuenburg image Neuchâtel 22 Male
sonic icon Deyaz_2610 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 19 Male Je veux m’améliorer le plus possible
zero_suit_samus icon $$$ | TabouretGang3000 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 30 Male ouais
kirby icon Vil1 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 15 Male Je me trouve beau
captain_falcon icon Spike8 neuenburg image Neuchâtel 15 Male Si il y a des gens avec qui je pourais m'entrainer à Neuc...
cloud icon CDFW | Wiildsky neuenburg image Neuchâtel 14 Male sparg0 est plus fort que MKleo
fox icon Sniper neuenburg image Neuchâtel 27 Male
byleth icon squal neuenburg image Neuchâtel 19 Male Main byleth de la petite ville de Neuchatel.
kirby icon [CDFW] | Lenchanteur neuenburg image Neuchâtel 20 Male
inkling icon Squid neuenburg image Neuchâtel 15 Male Main Inkling de la Tchaux (La Chaux-de-Fonds)
wario icon CDFW | Armonia neuenburg image Neuchâtel 13 Male Aka VitalEGRET
king_k_rool icon Ohmu neuenburg image Neuchâtel 18 Male
kirby icon Monaria nidwalden image Nidwalden Female
banjo_and_kazooie icon Kaboomfisch nidwalden image Nidwalden 26 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Nox 23 Male
sephiroth icon JoJo | J schaffhausen image Schaffhausen 27 Male
incineroar icon JoJo | Arupu schaffhausen image Schaffhausen 27 Male Hello, i play cat.
peach icon tm06 schaffhausen image Schaffhausen 25 Female
kirby icon YuuL schaffhausen image Schaffhausen
Gamer tag Roles
lucina icon Nekovius Player
bowser icon Saloc Player
king_k_rool icon MCE | Angel&#39;s Player
fox icon T0x Player
falco icon Rickolococo Player
luigi icon Dingo Player
peach icon ABL | Jagang Player
rob icon Undauphin Player
lucina icon Naphets8 Player
jigglypuff icon Redsasi Player
fox icon WALLDOWN Player
mario icon Siniuxm Player
captain_falcon icon Maki Player
joker icon Tokyo Player
peach icon ABL | Hase Mei Oiler Player
palutena icon Kagari Player
falco icon MichouDlx Player
young_link icon GyroZeppeli Player
inkling icon ElChiKo Player
pikachu icon Wizard Player
piranha_plant icon Sekiro Player
joker icon ABL | Neidnaltap Player
duck_hunt icon WoR | Olivia Player
wario icon Kuriboh Player
lucina icon 10Res Player
pit icon Karraliou Player
mii_swordfighter icon Moana Player
ness icon la fougère Player
cloud icon WDG | kahoss Player
lucina icon Parheal Player
joker icon NXE | Tuzzi Player
captain_falcon icon LLDG Player
sonic icon Deyaz_2610 Player
zero_suit_samus icon $$$ | TabouretGang3000 Player
kirby icon Vil1 Player
captain_falcon icon Spike8 Player
cloud icon CDFW | Wiildsky Player
fox icon Sniper Player
byleth icon squal Player
kirby icon [CDFW] | Lenchanteur Player Streamer Team manager TO
inkling icon Squid Player
wario icon CDFW | Armonia Player
king_k_rool icon Ohmu Player
kirby icon Monaria Player
banjo_and_kazooie icon Kaboomfisch Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Nox Player
sephiroth icon JoJo | J Player
incineroar icon JoJo | Arupu Player
peach icon tm06 Player
kirby icon YuuL Player